Today we launch our inaugural monthly update. Here you will find information about what ECG has been up to in September as well as highlights from the fusion community broadly.
On September 29th, ECG sponsored a webinar hosted by BBVA on “New Tech to Expand the Power Grid and Reduce Copper Dependence.” Thirty-five participants from the finance, government, and nonprofit sectors joined the discussion.
Electricity represents ~38% of all energy consumed globally. Transitioning to clean energy will require a tremendous expansion of the global power grid. Products created to support the development of fusion energy have shown the capacity to increase transmission grid efficiency by 10x, while reducing the amount of copper used in power cables by 1/1000th.
Fusion will continue to spinoff new technologies, pushing advances across disciplines. We look forward to reporting on those innovations.

ECG President Jane Hotchkiss was invited to the Chloe Spring/Summer 2023 Fashion Show on September 29th in Paris. … yes, you read that correctly. Fashion is now into fusion!
Gabriela Hearst, the creative director at Chloe merged her passions for design, sustainability, and climate by introducing fusion to fashion. Her clothing designs incorporated circular representations of isotopes and silver studded sunbursts. The runway was set up in the circular shape of a tokamak fusion device with hoops hanging from the ceiling. From fabric to laser lights, Hearst’s show was dedicated to raising awareness about fusion.
Representatives from CFS, Helion, and ITER were also on hand to build awareness about fusion.
Enjoy two of our latest blogs
The Potential of Fusion Power to Advance SDG 7 Affordable & Clean Energy – A Youth Perspective
By ECG Youth Advisor, Jona D. Cordonier-Gehring

Fusion power fundamentally is the power source of most of the universe. Every star, including the sun, produces light because of the fusion reactions taking place inside it, tiny hydrogen nuclei colliding with each other in a plasma at incredible temperatures and pressures, to make helium, and plenty of energy to sustain the temperatures required for the reaction. The dream of fusion power is to make that a reality on earth, and so to easily provide clean and efficient energy for everyone. Really all that we are doing is getting to speed with the rest of the universe. It also has exciting potential for fulfilling the SDGs, especially SDG7. Read More
You’ve Seen This Before: Fusion in Science Fiction
By Sophia Famular

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear “solar energy”? A solar panel. “Wind power”; a windmill. Both these terms conjure an image in your mind. Correct? What about “fusion energy”? What do you picture? Unless you possess a vast knowledge of plasma physics or work within the fusion industry, not much comes to mind, right? Read More
And check out two videos created for ECG by future fusioneers:

ECG’s Jane Hotchkiss and Wally Johnston will be there!

Fusion22 is happening in London the second week of October.
Participants will hear about different approaches to delivering fusion energy, the current scientific and engineering directions that are showing promise, and challenges that remain to getting fusion on the grid.
Board Member Laban Coblentz, Advisory Committee Member Melanie Windridge, and many other friends and colleagues will be speaking.
Attendees can attend virtually or in person. Register HERE

NRC Public Hearing
On November 8, 2022 from 9:00am – 12:30pm, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public meeting on regulatory approaches for fusion energy. The public is invited to attend the Commission’s meeting in person or watch live via webcast.
In person:
NRC One White Flint North
11555 Rockville Pike
Rockville MD
Live webcast at the Web address – https://video.nrc.gov/
For a deeper dive into the discussions going on about how fusion might be regulated, read the white paper prepared by NRC Staff, “Licensing and Regulating Fusion Energy Systems.”