About ECG

Mission: Create public engagement for fusion energy so that leaders in local communities, energy, environmental regulation, and policy are ready to implement fusion energy along with all other safe non-carbon energy innovations as soon as they are available.

Energy for the Common Good (ECG) is a non-profit organization uniquely positioned to advance the acceptance of fusion energy as an integral part of a clean energy economy.

Our belief that fusion is a climate mitigation necessity is founded by careers spanning all aspects of renewable and clean energy, from advocating for the policies and incentives creating early markets for renewables, to technical project development navigating the complexities of project financing, plant siting, and grid transmission needs.

We are a team with a history and focus on building replacement markets for fossil fuel in response to an advancing climate change timeline. The persistent gap between renewable energy and fossil generation allows its continued dominance over the world’s expanding energy needs. Fusion’s ability to replace fossil demands that we launch a coordinated campaign to prepare its future market.

ECG is committed to implementing an accelerated and strategic roadmap to support the development, adoption, and expansion of this zero-carbon, dense, and efficient power source in the U.S. and abroad. Our strategy is a targeted “hearts and minds” social and economic engagement campaign to lay the groundwork for the future of fusion energy.

This video explains the fusion process at the atomic level, and the conditions required. The video also explains ECG’s role in the fusion world as a non-profit organization.

Created for ECG by Concord Carlisle High School Student, Concord, MA