Energy for the Common Good, Inc. (ECG) extends its condolences to the family and colleagues of Dr. Bernard Bigot, the Director-General of ITER, who passed away on May 14th following an illness.
Jane Hotchkiss, Founder and President of ECG, said “Dr. Bigot was in many ways larger than life…his passion, his leadership, his kind and inclusive nature, and his fierce determination to champion ITER as the standard-bearer for fusion energy’s hope was extraordinary.”
“Dr. Bigot’s global presence made fusion’s entrance as a climate solution on the stage at COP26, sewing fusion’s first foray into the UN Climate agenda and his legacy. He was a tremendous organizational leader and a compassionate citizen of the world. I’m grateful to have had the benefit of his company.”
Fusion energy as a potential solution to pressing climate change concerns was advanced dramatically under the participatory and enthusiastic eye of Dr. Bernard Bigot. His work and legacy have made international cooperation—in fusion research and development—the global model and example of achievement by which fusion’s success will be realized.