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Bloomberg, “How Two Approaches to Nuclear Fusion Could Create Endless Green Energy”

“We have a real climate opportunity,” said Jane Hotchkiss, co-founder and president of Energy for the Common Good, a non-profit outside of Boston laying the groundwork for broad social acceptance of fusion power.

People should be closely following today’s startups, “knowing that even if just seven of them hit their milestones over the next 10 years, it will be a very impressive feat,” she said, adding that while the timeline might feel slow, “all these incremental steps are important.”

The day when humans can harness the same energy that lights the stars could come sooner than you think — getting there would unleash plentiful electricity without emitting greenhouse gases.

By Will Wade, Jonathan Tirone and David R Baker
Graphics by Dave Merrill
March 1, 2023 at 10:00 AM EST

Read the full article: How Two Approaches to Nuclear Fusion Could Create Endless Green Energy